Saturday, June 28, 2008

Chapter Two

I had all intentions of beginning my posts for Chapter Two today.

I'm going to wait until Monday. I've got lots of thoughts and reactions to Chapter Two of War of Words--I want to take my time to work through Tripp's ideas and the scripture he uses. It might take me all week to reflect on the second chapter. Trust's that GOOD!

I will give you a little nibble of the scripture:

"Better to live on a corner of the roof
than share a house with a quarrelsome wife." Proverbs 21:9

Poor, poor H!

I want to make one disclaimer about this blog. I will most likely abuse every single form of APA or ALA or whatever other forms of notation are out there. I want everyone to know that I am reflecting on a text (War of Words) written by Paul David Tripp. When I am directly quoting something from his book, I will use quotation marks. If you choose to purchase a copy of his book, you will probably find that most things I write are his ideas. This is a place for my reflections to his work. I want to honor him as the author of a book that is causing me to closely evaluate myself. I will constantly remind the readers of this blog that these are not my original ideas, only my reflections on them and my journal of my Christian walk. If you have questions or I am unclear about one of Tripp's points, PLEASE ask me. I want to clearly and accurately represent his ideas.

I look forward to meeting you here Monday. I would be very honored to pray for you. Please feel free to leave any prayer requests in your comments or just leave a comment and know that I will be praying for you. I'm praying for this space--that it will glorify God and that all who come here will sense His presence.

In Christ,

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